Celebration of 10th International Day of Yoga at New Development Bank on 13.06.2024 News / Events

Celebration of 10th International Day of Yoga at New Development Bank on 13.06.2024




10th IDY  celebration at New Development Bank  

On 13th  June 2024, the Consulate organised a Yoga session in the headquarters of the New Development Bank (NDB) in Shanghai to celebrate the 10th International Day of Yoga (IDY).  The event witnessed participation of over 60 employees of NDB hailing from NDB member countries. Dr. N. Nandakumar, Consul General addressed the gathering and recalled the support of a record 177 countries to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s proposal for celebrating an International Day of yoga at the United Nations General Assembly. In his speech he underlined the natural link between Yoga and sustainable lifestyle. He also thanked the President of NDB, H.E. Ms. Dilma Rouself  for her support to the programme. Sh Ashwani Muthoo, Director General (Independent Evaluation) and Ms Sharmila Govind, Director General (Human Resources) alongwith other senior officials of NDB participated in the celebration. Sh Sudhir Kumar, an ICCR empanelled Yoga teacher conducted the Yoga session based on the Common Yoga Protocol.

01st July, 2024
