Premier Wen Jiabao visits India Pavilion News / Events

Premier Wen Jiabao visits India Pavilion


Premier Wen Jiabao, accompanied by Vice Premier Wang Qishan, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and top leadership of Shanghai Municipal Government including Party Secretary Yu Zhengsheng and Mayor Han Zheng visited the India Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo on October 31, 2010. Premier Wen Jiabao was received at the Pavilion by Consul General Mrs. Riva Ganguly Das and Pavilion Director Mr. D.K. Nangia.

Premier Wen Jiabao was at the pavilion for about 20 minutes during which he saw the various displays at the Pavilion and watched the Holographic Show.  An Indian classical dance performance was organized in honour of the Premier.

The Premier took a lot of interest in green technologies used in the Pavilion.  While admiring the beautiful architecture of the Pavilion which has been carefully selected to recall the Buddhist link between India and China, the Premier remarked that Buddhism had come to China from India.  While leaving the Pavilion he said that the India Pavilion with its beautiful architecture and impressive display had left a deep impression on him. He also signed the Visitor’s Book at the Pavilion.