BRICS Investment & Trade Forum News / Events

BRICS Investment & Trade Forum


Consulate organized a Forum on Trade and Investment promotion in cooperation with the Consulates of other BRICS member countries in Shanghai and the Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board (InvestSH) on 31st October, 2012. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce (SCOFCOM) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) supported this event. The Forum was organized in conjunction with Global CEO Development Conference, in Shanghai. The Forum’s focus was on promoting investments among the BRICS countries. Vice-Chairman of Shanghai Municipal Commerce Commission and Director of China International Center for Economic and Technical exchanges, MOFCOM were the chief guests from the Chinese side. Shanghai Commerce Commission is the nodal department of Shanghai Government, dealing with Foreign Economic cooperation. The programme included presentations by each country about its trade and investment policies. Our detailed presentation on investment opportunities in India was very much appreciated particularly since it was in Chinese. The Consulate also published a bilingual investment guide also for distribution at the event. Representatives from a large number of Indian Industry participated in the event and took part in the business to business interaction that was organized as a part of the event in which more than 70 Chinese companies participated.

Welcocme Speech by Mr. Chen Xianjin, Vice Chairman, Municipal Commission for Commerce

Opening remarks by Edward Clarence Smith,Regional Head, UNIDO

Address by Consul General Naveen Srivastava

India Presentation by K. Nagaraj Naidu, Counsellor(T&C), E.I. Beijing

India Presentation

K. Nagaraj Naidu and Mr.Zhao Yongli Asstt. DG China Intl Centre for Econ. & Trade Exchanges